Sunday, September 2, 2007

Camels history in Australia

The history of camels in Australia has started in the nineteenth century were they were brought to and begun to grow slowly and get used to the new environment.

Between 1860 and 1907 thousand of camels where founded in this period and were brought by Indians and Palestine for the purpose of traveling from place to another. As a result of the wide developments that reached Australia afterwards people prevent uses camels for motivations therefore camels were released in the wild.

Nowadays, the population of camels have reached about half million and it is causing a lot of threat to Australia wild life. This threat is appeared according to the drought that hits the region and makes camels suffers more for the lake of water. Thus, camels are being source of annoying to people where wild camels have been destroying Aborigines properties and attacking their taps and bathrooms searching of water.

Camels features

Australians and Middle East countries camels share the same features. The color of camels ranges in brown shades between creamy to black.

Every part in the camel is created to support it's leaving in the deserts. For instance, camels have large eyes that covered with two rows of eyelashes that are curly to prevent the eyes from the dust and sand. Thus, camel eyebrows are thick and bushy that also helps the eyes from the sun. On the other hand, camel has a huge mouth that with thirty four sharp teeth to make them enable to eat the thorny hard bushes and also its teeth can be used as a method against predators by biting. Furthermore, camel nose is like a cooling device which is cooling the inhale air. Camel hump stores fat in order to draws energy to the camel when food is unenviable for some time and it can live with no food or water for 5 to 7 days. Finally, the ears are tiny covered with fur to protect them from sand and dust.

Camels hair utility

Each year camel can produce about 5 pounds of hair.. In springs all camels moult and start to grow a new hair cover by autumn and that takes approximately six to eight weeks. The hair begins to fall from the neck area then the mane and lastly the body part. The hair is collected and goes throughout procedures to get fabrics at the end.

In addition the quality of the fine fur of camels makes them so special in making gloves, skirts, jackets, hosiery, scarves, sweaters, caps, robes and blazers for men and women uses. Furthermore, Bedouin use camels fabrics in making traditional rugs and tents. Moreover, waterproof coats and carpet backing can make through a process called dehairing which the long hair is removed from coarser. Moreover, the natural colors of camel are giving the fabrics a fabulous golden color and that's why it is wide common used.

Why dose not Australians eat camels meat??

Camels meat content of high sodium and low potassium comparing with other types of meats. Moreover, it has a high amount of calcium in the thigh muscle meat. Camel meat considered to be a major source of protein, which contains a small percentage of cholesterol; for that reason many doctors advises patients who suffer from heart disease to eat camel meat.

Many Australian does not eat camels' meat due to some inherited habits or maybe because people have wrong information about it or maybe some believes that it not easy to cook. Thus, the way of cooking Camel meat is not different from other animals' meat, especially cows. In addition I find that young camels meat which are between one and three years more Leaner and better taste from the older camels and test very smeller to beef. So why does not Australians eat camels meat?

Looking for fewer calories sources?

While I'm doing my research on camel's meat and milk I was surprised to find out that the camel meat is healthier than sheep and it's really effective in diets. As I'm concern on my diet and other do I recommend camels meat. You may ask me why it's healthy, and what it differs from sheep meat.

The camel meat contains 860 calories per kilo while per kilo of sheep meat have 2380 calories and that makes a good benefit for a dieter as a way of avoiding 1520 extra calories that can effect negatively on him/her diet. However, not only camels' meat but it milk's too while it is fewer calories than sheep milk whereas camel milk is 780 calories per liter and sheep milk is 1080 per liter. In my concern it is worth to change to camel meat or milk with the purpose of containing fewer calories.

Different ways of cooking camel meat

Camels' meat has been an important source of food in the United Arab Emirates throughout the period of the pre-oil. However, nowadays in the age of rapidly economics changes it is used occasionally in big meetings and also in celebrations.

Different methods of cooking camel meat effects quality and taste, and some of the methods that used are: grilling, roasting, macro-waving on and braising. Each way has a certain result on the main taste of the meat. As a result of roasting the meat on burned wood gives it a unique juicy and tender taste. In my opinion this way is the best because it gives the taster unforgettable flavor ever.

Camels' milk fighting diseases

There are major benefits in camel milk which is contained with important vitamins such as; vitamin C and B. Thus it's richer 10 times than cow's milk with iron.

A researcher claimed that camels' milk which is high with vitamin content and mineral can assist in fighting some diseases like: AIDS, Cancer, hepatitis C and Alzheimer's.

Camels' milk is drunk generally in Arab world than western world, that's of the taste may be in researcher opinion which is a little saltier than traditional milk that some of the western people can't acquired it. However, it is also can be used in cheese production and it is more expensive than cow's milk.